New Moon Taurus Perfume Spray 1oz

Eye Love Love

Regular price $33.33

New Moon Taurus was a mighty moon to manifest whatever your heart desires. Taurus loves stability in all forms, abundance, grounding, luxury, love, sensuality and protection. This is the perfect moon to ask for what you want and be specific. Remember Taurus is a fixed sign that loves slow and steady. Think slow, methodical, and patient work but in the end you will be rewarded.

New Moon Taurus Affirmation

"I am creating a life I love and deserve. I am grounded. I am protected. I am love. I accept abundance and love in all forms. I clear out anything that does not serve me. I am making space for new energy and trust that what is meant for me is already mine"

So be it, So it is


Perfume Base  Luxury perfumers alcohol 

Essential/perfumers accords: 

Rose Sweet rose to elevate your energy and call in all forms of love. Roses are extremely high energetic vibrating at 320mhz and wonderful for manifesting abundance. They are also empowering, uplifting, calming, psychic energy, growth, luck, healing and protection (hence those thorns)

Vanilla Associated with Venus and attracts the energy of empowerment, luck, love, peace, fertility (This can be many forms) happiness and brings calmness to the alchemy. Did you know vanilla is also an aphrodisiac?! It ignites that passion within you. Growing up I remember my grandmother and mother using vanilla and honey to call in sweetness!

Pink Peppercorn A new ingredient and picked for its connection to the heart chakra. It also embodies love, protection, passion, purification, positivity, self love, self preservation, and femininity. This will bring some spicy energy into your life.

Grapefruit WHOA I love working with grapefruit as it helps to restore your power and help you claim your spiritual purpose. It’s extremely cleansing and assists in releasing any mental chatter that can cause fogginess. It is also wonderful at calling in joy, happiness, abundance, attract love, self confidence, balance and raises your vibration. Grapefruits connected to the heart and solar which are wonderful to link for self love, empowerment and honoring YOURSELF!

Labdanum This was brought into the mix just a dash to help seal any energetic leaks you may have. Also used for protection, abundance (the $$$ kind) grounding, cleansing, joy and creativity. I love working with labdanum because it helps to anchor you and help you reach higher energetic fields. I always envision a kite flying high but firmly anchored. Pssst an aphrodisiac to call in the energy of seduction.




• Spray your body after a shower or bath as a daily spiritual hygiene 

• Spray your spiritual objects like tarot decks and crystals 

• Spray in your sacred space to remove stagnant energy and bring in new fresh energy

• Spray before writing down intentions 

• Spray yourself after encountering negative or toxic people, protect your energy!

• Spray on your mattress and bedding to clear any unwanted energy and rest well 

• Use before meditation  


Please shake prior to each use as ingredients may settle, store out of direct sunlight in cool dark place is best. Careful when spraying this batch on white clothing or bedding may cause staining as water is blue/purple.


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