Full Moon Sagittarius Oil - 4 oz Liquid Love (Apricot, sunflower, jojoba)

Eye Love Love

Regular price $33.33

While supplies last each oil will receive a small dodecahedron pyrite. Please note this is not a guarantee it is only while supplies last. 

Step into a world where sophistication meets vibrant energy with Full Moon Sagittarius. For this batch I wanted something balanced in both feminine and masculine energy. Full Moon Sagittarius balances the freshness of citrus with the warmth of spices and the depth of woods. Perfect for those who appreciate a fragrance that is both invigorating and deeply sensual. This alchemy is your ideal spiritual hygiene companion, charged under the full moon in Sagittarius, infusing it with a bold and adventurous spirit. Elevate your energy with this unique blend of citrus, spice, woods….paired with Sagittarius who brings adventure, elegance, boundless optimism, independence, open mindedness, compassion, intellect, honesty and profound wisdom.



Oil Base  Apricot, Sunflower + Jojoba, charged under the Full Moon 

Essential/Fragrance Oils

Elemi Helping you reach new heights! You see this evergreen tree grows to be 85 feet tall. Elemi is wonderful at activating your intuition, has a calming effect, enhances psychic abilities, clarity, transformation and release what no-longer serves you. Elemi is sacred and was used by the Egyptians in rituals. It also connects the crown and root chakra to create a balance within your energetic body. This is also to connect the spiritual with the physical. 

Citrus: Orange/Lemon For this batch I used both orange and lemon in peel and  essential oil. Great for embodying bright energy which I wanted to bring into this batch with the full moon in Sagittarius. Its scent is good for dealing with obsessive thinking and and turning back to what is important. Extremely important for the release of a Full Moon and focusing on things that need to be reassessed. All while standing in your power.

Black Pepper Sagittarius definitely needed a punch and some fire. Black pepper activates the third eye and helps open your mind to the spiritual realm. It can also encourages emotional strength, energizes, clears energy blocks and removes negative energy. 

Clove Cloves is believed to banish evil, clear your head, protect, bring in love, and attract money.  Clove is a force to remove any magic that has been sent your way. It also brings abundance, protection, strength, confidence, inspiration and action!

Tonka Tonka is known as "Tonka bean" but is not a bean which is rather interesting. Tonka is actually a seed! This seed carries the energy and scent of vanilla or a caramel scent. Tonka much like the cardamom also in this recipe is ruled by water and Venus! Bringing you luck, good fortune, love, money, prosperity and abundance. This is very expansive energy and some folks will hold a Tonka bean and make a wish! This alchemy will be your genie in a bottle. Time to clear anything holding you back and wish for the STARS! 

Cedar-wood Used to encourage a feeling of peace, mental clarity, focus and relaxation. Cedarwood encourages the energy to breathe and release difficult things. It is said that the wood has the powerful ability to heighten awareness of the spiritual realm. In ancient Egypt temple doors in every temple were fashioned from cedar to enrich and magnify devotee’s awareness of their gods. Cedar throughout time has been used to bring a sense of relaxation, calm and helps the mind to release worries and woes allowing them to drift away. In Arabic Cedar translates to “Power” and brings a soothing yet powerful energy. brings protection, wards off attentions of negative people, consecrate amulets and to cleanse magical tools.  

Lavender Lavender Immediately brings peace and calm but also can be used to cleanse your environment of negativity, and neutralize any stale, lingering bad vibes. This was added to quiet the min and bring your physical body to a place of immense relaxation. It aids in your body, mind and spirit to find balance. 

Cardamom Associated with water which is the perfect pairing for scorpio. It also increases magnetism, love, protection, calming, courage, mental clarity, good fortune, prosperity and aid in breaking through any spiritual barriers

Guaiacwood Has been used by shaman to purify, remove negative energies, bring calm, clear the mind, balance and ground.  It is known as sacred and hoy wood for its potency. This mixed with the fire energy of Sagittarius will create not only a big beautiful fire but a grounded one. One that you can work with and utilize. 


Quartz Chips


• Apply to your body after a shower or bath as a daily spiritual hygiene 

• Anoint your spiritual objects like tarot decks and crystals 

• Anoint your written intentions 

• Add to bath to create a spiritual bath ritual cleanse (Combine with a bit of your favorite soap to emulsify before adding to water) 

• Offering on your altar 

• Utilize to anoint candles and use for spell work

• Anoint yourself after encountering negative or toxic people, protect your energy!

• Use before meditation  

• Anoint any of your chakras to aid in clearing any blockages


Please shake prior to each use as ingredients may settle. Must Store out of direct sunlight in cool dark place is best. 


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