Full Moon Libra Neroli Oil - 4oz (Sweet almond, sunflower, jojoba)
Eye Love Love
Regular price $33.33
“I support you, I love you, it’s okay to let go”
Allow all the energy of the full moon and love to heal the deepest darkest parts of your soul. Look to see where you can balance all aspects of yourself and release. We hold onto so much that doesn’t even belong to us with a mighty grip. Ask yourself....
Why am I holding on so tightly? Why do I continue to hold onto this? Is it helping me or hindering? Is it weighing you down? Full moon are all about illumination and shedding light on those darkest parts. It’s time to makes space and welcome in all the beautiful blessings life has to offer. Be gentle with yourself and remember to always love and have compassion for yourself.
Oil base Sweet almond, sunflower + jojoba
Essential oils Neroli
Quartz pieces
• Apply to your body after a shower or bath as a daily spiritual hygiene
• Anoint your spiritual objects like tarot decks and crystals
• Anoint your written intentions
• Add to bath to create a spiritual bath ritual cleanse (Combine with a bit of your favorite soap to emulsify before adding to water)
• Offering on your altar
• Utilize to anoint candles and use for spell work
• Anoint yourself after encountering negative or toxic people, protect your energy!
• Use before meditation
• Anoint any of your chakras to aid in clearing any blockages
Please shake prior to each use as ingredients may settle. Must Store out of direct sunlight in cool dark place is best.
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